Today marks the 20th anniversary since Colette’s departure. A spiritual teacher and healer, her wisdom lives on through AIMI’s teachings, through her writings, Jerry’s and my writings and through all her many students the world over.

She taught that there is but a thin veil between this world and the next, so that even now she remains connected to us all. A true Master, Colette welcomed people from all walks of life and all religious traditions into her modest home in Jerusalem. Learn more about her life and spiritual teachings through the About page on our new website. Join us in honoring her legacy captured below in a by her student, Carol Rose:

From Behind the Blue Gate

i can’t wait to get back to canada to tell joan
elinor di to tell neal that i met elijah
driving his chariot on the bethlehem road
i can’t wait to tell them how he took me
in the heat of july his cab weaving
through date palms & cypress
light spinning wheels turning
as we sped through the streets of jerusalem
how we talked about war & his children & mine
how he turned off the road my heart pounding
as he pointed to an inscription on the doorway
of an old arab house how he read me the message
“allah lives here, in these gates you will find god”
how he prayed for an end to the killing
in arabic/hebrew how we prayed together
in that dark narrow lane
how we turned the air golden