Dr. Jerry’s motto of “Choose Life!” feels particularly relevant to remember for Easter. Within Easter’s theme of resurrection, we can pause to reflect and consider what truly is most important to us.

5 Regrets of The Dying

“I wish I had lived the life true to myself, not the life that was expected of me.” “I wish I had not worked so hard.” “I wish I could have expressed my feelings.” “I wish that I had stayed true to my friends.” “I wish that I had allowed myself to feel happier.”

Bronnie Ware, an Australian Nurse who specialized in caring for the dying in the last months of their lives noted that people were possessed of phenomenal clarity of vision when facing death. She observed these five themes of regret surfaced again and again of not following one’s inner voice, not opening up to others, and choosing work over family. Men were particularly prone to feeling that they had put all their passion into work and failed to attend to their children or their partners. Carpe diem.

An important message of Easter is the return of the dead soul to life, which bears the message that death can be overcome. This event is called “resurrection.” This was not a unique phenomenon of the Abrahamic tradition, but found in many ancient cultures. In modern life, we see this possibility nearing through technological-biological means. This message aligns perfectly with the themes of Dr. Jerry’s upcoming book, We Are Not Meant to Die! Use the following exercise featured in the book (due to be released shortly) to call in the heavenly trumpets of resurrection this holiday:

The Trumpet of Resurrection

Close your eyes and breathe out three times. Hear and feel in yourself the sound of the heavenly trumpet calling you from above to arise from the crypt-numbing sleep of attachment to the lifeless grip of material existence. Breathe out one time. As you wake up and become erect, strong, and alive, hear the words of love flowing to and into you from your parents who have birthed you, or any loved ones who have or now love you. Sense, feel, and live how this eternal force amplifies the sound of new life coming from the eternal horn of life. Breathe out one time and open your eyes.

Imagery International Book Group
May 14th 8-9:30pm EDT (5-6:30pm PDT)

AIMI Director, Rachel Epstein, and Dr. Randy Kasper will be leading a book group discussing and exploring Dr. Jerry Epstein’s book Healing Visualizations: Creating Health Through Imagery. All members of Imagery International are invited to join this book group free of cost, and if you have yet to join this diverse community that practices varying styles of mental imagery, visit the link below for information on becoming a member.
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