
Empower Yourself

AIMI teaches people to transform their lives through the most powerful tool available–our minds.

Utilizing our resources, you hold the power to restore your physical & emotional health, create satisfying relationships, fulfill your dreams, & deepen your spiritual path. Expand your learning with AIMI courses and personal sessions with our trained coaches.


Mental Imagery Exercises

Tree of Life

Intention: To heal and connect to the Earth Frequency: Do once a day in morning for seven or 21 days. Close your eyes and breathe out three times. See yourself walking along a path, where ahead of you is a strong, tall tree. Go to this tree and embrace it, knowing...

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Love, Power & Wisdom

Intention: To Create Well-Being Close your eyes, and breathe out three times slowly. As you breathe out a long, slow breath, let go of everything you no longer need. Breathe in the beautiful blue of the sky and the gold of the sun. See yourself outside on a beautiful...

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Reversing the Conflicts of the Day

While you are lying in bed, with eyes closed, breathe out one time slowly and imaginally go over your day in REVERSE order, focusing on any conflictual situations. Start with the most recent disturbing event, then go back in time until you get to the first difficult...

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Healing Trauma Through Imagery

In this episode of PTSD and Beyond, we welcome the authors of Reversing the Trauma of War, Rachel Epstein, L.Ac. and Dr. Phyllis Kahaney where they share the effectiveness of using mental imagery in reducing symptoms of PTSD and Stress.

Healing Through Mental Imagery

Phyllis Kahaney and Rachel Epstein are both leaders in the field of mental imagery and visualization therapy, and co-authors of the book, Reversing the Trauma of War. On this episode, Kim Forrester connects with Phyllis and Rachel to discuss the healing power of mental imagery, and to explore how visualization can set us free from the past and help us live a more present, more fulfilling life.

Everyday Enslavement

Glenn Brooks of Vibrant Living interviews Rachel Epstein, Director of AIMI on Health and wellbeing. First up are several simple powerful imagery exercises to protect yourselves and loved ones from the Coronavirus. Next we discuss common ways we enslave ourselves emotionally and mentally and what we can do about it.



Easter Reflections

Easter Reflections

Dr. Jerry's motto of "Choose Life!" feels particularly relevant to remember for Easter. Within Easter's theme of resurrection, we can pause to reflect and consider what truly is most important to us. 5 Regrets of The Dying "I wish I had lived the life true to myself,...

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Lent Begins Today

Lent Begins Today

For many Christians, Feb 14 begins the observing of Lent in preparation for Easter. Lent speaks to the three vows of obedience, chastity, and poverty where we are asked to give something up for 40 days (40 has the meaning of overcoming of difficulties). The three vows...

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Celebrating Colette Aboulker-Muscat’s Yartzheit

Celebrating Colette Aboulker-Muscat’s Yartzheit

Today marks the 20th anniversary since Colette's departure. A spiritual teacher and healer, her wisdom lives on through AIMI's teachings, through her writings, Jerry's and my writings and through all her many students the world over. She taught that there is but a...

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